יהה “יושב הכרובים הופיעה” Meaning: “Who sits amongst the cherubs shall appear”. An educating, not a preaching parent. Function: Parenthood, guiding children, finding the light, family, children, morality, being wise …
ומב “ושמתי מחסי באלהים” Meaning: “And I placed my shelter in God”. Healing mental illness. Function: Water is the physical product of light – the Creator that descended and percolated …
מצר “מנעורי צררוני רבות” Meaning: “From my youth I have faced many an adversary”. Liberty. Function: Expels complacence, helps in knowing thyself, connects to the inner voice. Brings about material …
הרח “הורני רחום חקיך” Meaning: “My parent, your bosom is merciful”. The umbilical cord. Function: Fumbling in the dark, activating the sixth sense, overcoming a negative result, dejection and pessimism. …
ייל “יהיו ידיך לעזרני” Meaning: “May your hands be my aid”. Knowing one’s measure. Function: Release from anxiety and fear, organizing thoughts, order out of chaos, release from loss, communicating …
נממ “נחני ממעמקי מים” Meaning: “Draw me from the deep waters”. Listening to the inner voice. Function: Marking and homing in on a target, neutralizing external influences, self-fulfillment, correcting the …
פוי “פדה והצילה יחידתי” Meaning: “Redeem and rescue me”. Getting rid of anger. Function: Removing hatred, an end to warfare, aggression, hatred, moodiness, anger and disagreements. Controlling one’s behavior, desire …
מבה “מרום באמתך הדריכני” Meaning: “Guide me from your supreme heights”. Putting into practice. Function: Gives perseverance to finish what you started, taking risks without fear, enthusiasm, the power to …
נית “נוראות ימינך תענני” Meaning: “Your awful right hand shall answer me”. The death of death. Function: Eternal life – overcoming aging, youth, resisting gravity, healing rifts, the maintaining frameworks, …
ננא “נכספה נפשי אליך” Meaning: “My soul has longed for you”. Unconditional. Function: Love, making friends, cosmic match, unity and impersonal love. Sensitivity, giving, filial love, gratitude, helps get rid …