ייי “ידעתי יוצרי ידעתי” Meaning: “I knew my creator I knew”. The end of a lethal attraction. Function: Ends a bad relationship, lethal attraction, destructive connections and connections with negative …
נלכ “נפשי לישועתך כלתה” Meaning: “My soul has yearned for your salvation”. Elimination of epidemics. Function: Fighting sudden “illnesses”, pervasive and silent illnesses such as depression, heart disease, AIDS, smoking, …
פהל “פניך האר לעבדך” Meaning: “Illuminate your face for your servant”. Changing habits. Function: Withdrawal from addiction, negative desires and self-pity. Prevents weight loss and connecting to the negative self. …
לוו “לגדל ולחזק ולהושיע” Meaning: “To grow stronger and to deliver”. Direct connection to the Creator. Function: Expresses the heart’s desire. Building a temple to the self. Direct connection to …
כלי “כי לדברך יחלתי” Meaning: “Because I yearn for your word”. Fertility. Function: Changes menstrual difficulties, spiritual barriers and menopause. Assists in labor, fertility, creativity and implementing a plan. Sexual …
לאו “לך אני והושיעני” Meaning: “I am yours, save me”. Cancels the ego. Function: Self-control. Releases from the need to surpass others. Releases from enslavement to caprice, from hypocrisy and …
הקמ “הקשיבה קולי ממעמקים” Meaning: “Listen to my voice from the depths”. Getting over depression. Function: Encourages new beginnings and optimism. Protects from helplessness, horror, desperation, guilt, mental illness.
הרי “האזינה רועה ישראל” Meaning: “Listen, shepherd of Israel”. Inner intuition. Function: Premonition and foresight. Sharpening the internal intuition. Balancing reality. Encourages real and appropriate relationships. Business opportunities. Protects from …
מבה “מרב בשת הפנים” Meaning: “And I am shamefaced”. A farewell to arms. Function: Encourages tolerance. Inner balance and resolution of internal conflicts. World peace. Solutions reached in amenity. Protects …
יזל “ירא זע למשפטיך” Meaning: “Stirring in fear of your sentences”. Spiritual paradise. Function: Achieving inner peace and harmony. Living with myself in peace. Achieving (inner) peace and eternal joy. …